Confined Space Courses

Confined Spaces Training Course - General Awareness & Permit Required


Confined spaces in the work place are a serious exposure which requires specific training and education to ensure employees can safely work in environments which present unique hazards from atmospheric conditions to obstructed or limited access/egress points. This course covers the following material:

Confined Space vs. Permit Required Confined Space

Hazardous Atmospheres

 •    Carbon Monoxide

•    Hydrogen Sulfide

•    Lower Explosive Limits - LEL’s

Physical Hazards

PRCS – Roles & Responsibilities

•    Attendant

•    Entrant

•    Entry Supervisor

Completing a PRCS Permit

Hazardous Atmosphere Assessment


Rescue Procedures

Hettrick Cyr & Associates Corporate Offices

59 Sycamore Street Glastonbury, CT 06033
Tel: (860) 652-9997
Toll Free: (888) 805-0300
Fax: (860) 657-8193